
The Lowest Cost.
The Best Experience.

Choosing Orchard Imaging gives you the best imaging and experience at a fraction of the cost at a traditional hospital.
For example, an MRI can cost 4-10 times less than what it would cost at a hospital at our facility.
With the dramatic difference in cost, we assure you that we never spare on quality. Even while paying significantly less, you’ll receive:

  • The highest quality images
  • The most comfortable experience
  • State-of-the-art technology and imaging machines
  • Friendly, dedicated staff.

All this for a fraction of the cost of a hospital!

Self Pay Rates

MRI without contrast $850   |   MRI with contrast $975
CT without contrast $400   |   CT with contrast $480
Ultrasound $350

How Do We Do It?

You may be wondering how this is possible. Orchard Imaging can charge much less than a traditional hospital for a few reasons.

We have less overhead. Having less overhead allows us to focus all of our resources on imaging. We don’t have or need the departments, layers of management, and 24/7 service that a hospital offers. This allows us to charge you less.

Hospitals are the default. Patients often think they have to go to the hospital to get their imaging service by default. When patients assume they don’t have a choice and go to the hospital, this lets the hospital keep its prices high. Why change prices if everyone thinks they have to go there for the service?

Hospitals negotiate with insurance companies. Finally, hospitals negotiate to get higher reimbursement from insurance companies due to their size. When they get the higher reimbursement, the hospital charges more, ultimately leaving you paying a higher out-of-pocket cost.

Ready to choose an Independent
Imaging Center?

CHOOSE Orchard Imaging Center – Salem, NH’s newest alternative to saving money and time while having peace of mind knowing “we have your back”.